Week 2--Pyrantel Pamoate
Week 4--Pyrantel Pamoate/ Toltrazuril
and NeoPar PV vaccine
Week 6--Pyrantel Pamoate/Toltrazuril & DAPPi+CL4 vaccine
Week 8-Pyrantel Pamoate/Toltrazuril
& DAPPi+CL4 vaccine
Each pup sent home with a gallon Ziplock bag of food treated with Panacur dewormer(fenbendazole)
Week 9- Pup ready to go home
Pyrantel Pamoate is a mild, very safe wormer used for young puppies. It is used in many wormers (ex. Nemex2). It controls roundworm and hookworm.
Fenbendazole is a stronger wormer, yet still very safe. It is used in many wormers (ex. Safe-Guard/Panacur) to control hookworm, roundworm, whip worm, tapeworm and giardia. It is a 3 day treatment.
Pv vaccine is a single dose Parvo-only vaccine given at 4 weeks of age to help raise the puppy's immunity.
DA2PPv vaccine is commonly referred to as the puppy shot. It is given at 6 weeks of age. It contains Canine Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus
DA2PPv/Cvk4L vaccine is give at 8 weeks of age, it is the 10way vaccine with 4 strains of the Lepto vaccine and Corona virus added